
Washing Machine Maintenance

Hey there, folks! Are you tired of your washing machine acting up when you least expect it? Well, fear not, because we’ve got your back. In this comprehensive DIY guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of washing machine maintenance. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s something here for everyone. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive right in!

Why Should You Care About Washing Machine Maintenance?

First things first, why bother with washing machine maintenance? Well, the answer’s simple – it’ll save you time, money, and headaches down the road. Neglecting your trusty washer can lead to costly repairs or even premature replacement. We all know that’s not easy on the wallet, right? So, let’s get started with some nifty maintenance tips.

Cleaning the Drum: Your Machine’s Heart

Your washing machine’s drum is where all the magic happens. Over time, it can get pretty gunky with detergent residue and grime. This can lead to foul odors and less effective cleaning. So, what can you do about it? Well, let’s see:

How to Clean the Drum

A clean drum not only ensures your clothes come out smelling fresh but also extends the life of your machine. Follow these steps:

  1. Gather Your Supplies: White vinegar, baking soda, a clean cloth.
  2. Start with Vinegar: Pour 2 cups of white vinegar into the detergent tray. This natural wonder will break down the residue and eliminate odor.
  3. Add Baking Soda: Sprinkle 1/2 cup of baking soda directly into the drum. Baking soda is excellent for scrubbing away grime and stains.
  4. Run a Hot Cycle: Choose the hottest water setting and run a complete cycle with no laundry inside. This will clean out the drum thoroughly.
  5. Wipe It Down: After the cycle, use a clean cloth to wipe down the drum’s interior. Don’t forget to get into the nooks and crannies.

Now you’ve got a fresh and clean drum ready to tackle your dirty laundry!

Checking the Hoses: Don’t Get Hosed!

Water leakage is a real bummer, isn’t it? Those hoses connected to your washing machine are culprits when it comes to potential flooding. Here’s what you should do:

How to Check the Hoses

  1. Unplug Your Machine: Safety first! Ensure your washing machine is unplugged before you begin.
  2. Inspect the Hoses: Take a close look at the hoses that connect your machine to the water supply. Check for any of the following issues: cracks, bulges, leaks. If you find any of these problems, it’s time to replace the hoses.

Pro Tip: Consider using stainless steel hoses for added durability.

Filters and Lint Traps: The Unsung Heroes

Lint traps and filters play a crucial role in keeping your washing machine in top shape. They prevent lint and debris from clogging your machine, ensuring it operates efficiently. But they can get clogged themselves. So, what’s the deal?

How to Clean Filters and Lint Traps

  1. Locate the Lint Trap: The lint trap is typically found near the rim of the drum, and it’s essential for catching lint and debris.
  2. Remove Lint and Debris: Carefully remove any lint or debris that has accumulated in the trap. You might need to use a brush or your fingers to get it all out.
  3. Clean It Up: Give the lint trap a thorough cleaning with warm, soapy water. Make sure it’s completely free from any remaining debris.
  4. Reinstall Securely: After cleaning, reinstall the lint trap in its original position and ensure it’s secure.

This simple task can improve your washer’s efficiency and extend its lifespan, preventing issues like drainage problems and foul odors.

Balance is Key: Level Your Machine

A wobbly washing machine isn’t just annoying; it can damage the machine itself and your floors. So, let’s talk about balancing your buddy:

How to Level Your Washing Machine

Achieving a balanced machine ensures smoother, quieter cycles and prevents wear and tear on the machine. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Get the Right Tools: To ensure your machine is level, you’ll need a bubble level, an adjustable wrench, and a helpful friend.
  2. Start with a Clean Slate: Unplug the washing machine and make sure it’s empty.
  3. Place the Level: Put the bubble level on top of the washer to determine which side needs adjustment.
  4. Adjust the Legs: Using an adjustable wrench, adjust the washer’s legs as needed. This can involve screwing or unscrewing the legs to raise or lower them.
  5. Ask for Assistance: Balancing the machine is easier with a friend’s help. Have them hold the level while you make the adjustments.
  6. Test the Balance: Once you think it’s level, gently rock the machine to check for any wobbling. Adjust the legs further if needed.

Achieving a balanced machine ensures that it operates smoothly, quietly, and without the risk of damaging your floors or the machine itself.

Detergent Dos and Don’ts: Play it Smart

Washing Machine repair

Are you using detergent like there’s no tomorrow? Well, slow down there, partner! Using too much detergent can lead to excessive suds, foul odors, and even damage to your machine. Here’s the lowdown:

Detergent Dos and Don’ts


  • Follow the Manufacturer’s Recommendations: The manufacturer’s guidelines for detergent use are there for a reason. Stick to their recommendations to ensure optimal cleaning and machine longevity.
  • Use High-Efficiency (HE) Detergent if Required: If you have a high-efficiency washing machine (HE), make sure to use detergent specifically designed for HE machines. Using regular detergent can lead to excess suds, which can damage your machine and affect cleaning performance.


  • Overload the Machine with Detergent: More detergent doesn’t mean cleaner clothes. In fact, using too much detergent can create too many suds, leading to poor rinsing and detergent buildup.
  • Use Regular Detergent in an HE Washer: High-efficiency machines require low-sudsing detergent. Using regular detergent can lead to excessive suds, reduced cleaning effectiveness, and machine issues.

Regular Maintenance Schedule

Now that you’ve got a handle on the basics of washing machine maintenance, it’s crucial to establish a regular maintenance schedule to keep your machine in top condition. Here’s a handy checklist:

Monthly Tasks

  • Clean the Drum: Perform the vinegar and baking soda cleaning routine to keep your drum fresh and odor-free.
  • Check Hoses: Inspect the hoses for any signs of wear or damage.
  • Clean Lint Traps: Make sure your lint trap and filters are free from lint and debris.

Quarterly Tasks

  • Balance Your Machine: Check and adjust the level of your washing machine to prevent wobbling.

Annually Tasks

  • Replace Hoses: Consider replacing the inlet and outlet hoses with stainless steel ones for added durability.
  • Professional Inspection: It’s a good idea to have a professional technician perform an annual inspection to catch any potential issues early.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with regular maintenance, washing machines can sometimes act up. Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

Issue: Your Washing Machine Doesn’t Drain

If your washing machine is refusing to drain, it could be due to a clogged drain or a faulty pump. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Check the Drain Hose: Ensure the drain hose isn’t kinked or clogged. Straighten it out and clear any obstructions.
  2. Clean the Pump Filter: Many washing machines have a pump filter. Consult your machine’s manual to locate it, and clean out any debris or lint.
  3. Inspect the Pump: If the drain problem persists, it might be a faulty pump. Consider calling a professional technician to diagnose and repair the issue.

Issue: Your Washing Machine Vibrates Excessively

Excessive vibration during the spin cycle can be noisy and potentially damaging to your machine. Try these steps to address the problem:

  1. Level Your Machine: Check if your washing machine is level. Use a bubble level as described earlier in this guide and adjust the legs if necessary.
  2. Distribute the Load Evenly: Unevenly distributed laundry can cause vibration. Make sure your clothes are evenly loaded in the drum.
  3. Inspect the Shock Absorbers: The shock absorbers in your machine can wear out over time, leading to increased vibration. If you suspect an issue with the shock absorbers, consider professional help.

Issue: Your Washing Machine Is Leaking Water

Water leakage can cause significant damage. If your machine is leaking, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect the Hoses: Check for cracks, bulges, or leaks in the hoses connected to your machine. If you find any issues, replace them.
  2. Examine the Door Seal: A damaged or improperly sealed door can lead to leaks. Make sure the door is properly sealed and the seal itself is intact.
  3. Check for Overloading: Overloading your machine can cause it to leak. Ensure you’re not exceeding the machine’s capacity in terms of the number of clothes you’re washing.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, a detailed DIY guide to washing machine maintenance that’s as easy as pie. Keeping your washing machine in tip-top shape doesn’t have to be a hassle. Regular cleaning, a keen eye for issues, and a balanced approach to detergent will keep your machine humming happily. So, why wait? Get started, and enjoy hassle-free laundry days!

With these maintenance tips and a little TLC, your washing machine can keep churning away, cleaning your clothes efficiently for years to come. Don’t forget to set up a regular maintenance schedule and address common issues promptly. Your wallet and your laundry will thank you for it!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Washing Machine Maintenance

  1. Why is washing machine maintenance important?

Washing machine maintenance is crucial to extend the lifespan of your machine, prevent costly repairs, and ensure efficient cleaning. Neglecting maintenance can lead to issues like foul odors, poor cleaning results, and even water damage.

  1. How often should I clean my washing machine’s drum?

It’s recommended to clean the drum at least once a month to prevent detergent residue buildup and odors. If your machine is used heavily, consider cleaning it more frequently.

  1. Can I use regular detergent in a high-efficiency (HE) washing machine?

Using regular detergent in an HE washer is not recommended. HE machines require low-sudsing detergent designed specifically for them. Regular detergent can lead to excessive suds, reduced cleaning effectiveness, and machine issues.

  1. How do I level my washing machine?

To level your washing machine, follow these steps:

  • Place a bubble level on top of the washer.
  • Adjust the washer’s legs using an adjustable wrench until the bubble level shows that the machine is level.
  • It’s easier to have a friend assist with this process.
  1. What should I do if my washing machine is leaking water?

If your washing machine is leaking water, take the following steps:

  • Inspect the hoses for cracks, bulges, or leaks. Replace them if necessary.
  • Check the door seal for damage or improper sealing.
  • Ensure you’re not overloading the machine, as overloading can cause leaks.
  1. How can I troubleshoot a washing machine that doesn’t drain?

If your washing machine doesn’t drain, you can:

  • Check the drain hose for obstructions and kinks.
  • Clean the pump filter if your machine has one.
  • If the problem persists, consult a professional technician to inspect and repair the pump.
  1. What should I do if my washing machine vibrates excessively during the spin cycle?

Excessive vibration can be addressed by:

  • Checking and leveling your machine using a bubble level.
  • Ensuring the laundry load is evenly distributed in the drum.
  • Inspecting the shock absorbers for wear and considering professional assistance if needed.
  1. How often should I replace the hoses on my washing machine?

It’s a good practice to replace the inlet and outlet hoses on your washing machine every 3-5 years. Consider using stainless steel hoses for added durability.

  1. Can I perform washing machine maintenance myself, or should I hire a professional technician?

Many aspects of washing machine maintenance, such as cleaning the drum, lint trap, and filters, and leveling the machine, can be done by homeowners. However, for more complex issues or annual inspections, it’s advisable to consult a professional technician to ensure your machine is in good working condition.

  1. What is the importance of cleaning lint traps and filters regularly?

Cleaning lint traps and filters prevents lint and debris from clogging your machine. It ensures efficient water drainage, enhances cleaning performance, and prevents issues like drainage problems and foul odors. Regular maintenance can extend your machine’s lifespan.

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